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Most recent and helpful resources to empower cities to move forward in taking action against light pollution

CMS Resolution 13.5 “Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife” can be found here with the detailed guidelines below. The guidelines include information relating to best practice lighting design and how to manage light pollution for marine turtles, seabirds and migratory shorebirds.

EUROBATS is the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats and the ‘Guidelines for consideration of bats in lighting projects’ provide information on how bats respond to artificial light at night, how to carry out impact assessments and ways to avoid, mitigate and compensate for light pollution.

The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) and the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) have published the joint Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting so that projects implementing them can save energy and money, reduce light pollution, and minimize disruption to wildlife.

The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) has adopted a policy known as Values-Centered Outdoor Lighting to implement the Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting.

These Light Pollution Campaign Pages include animations, the Australian Light Pollution Guidelines and general light pollution information sheets.

The Model Lighting Ordinance (MLO) allows communities to reduce light pollution and glare and lower excessive light levels. It is free to download for members of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).

The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) explains why municipalities should be concerned about light pollution.

This webpage offers links to dark sky information and a spot-the-difference activity for kids.

This scientific paper written by Sordello et al. details a 4-step operational process which could be adopted to identify, preserve, restore and assess dark infrastructure.

Recommendations to Keep Dark and Quiet Skies for Science and Society

Recommendations to Keep Dark and Quiet Skies for Science and Society includes executive summaries and recommendations in five areas:

It was developed at the request of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. The section on Protection of the Bio-Environment is of particular interest for helping cities protect their wildlife.

International Dark Sky Week takes place from 15-22 April 2023. This website provides information on light pollution and action points such as how to become a Dark Sky Advocate.

The Australian Government’s website offers simple changes that can be made to protect wildlife. There are sections on turtles, shorebirds, seabirds, bats, other mammals and ecological communities.